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Avatar von T3RR0R15T
[OTB] Leader

Beiträge: 3424
Namen: T3RR0R15T
Clan: [OTB]
PlayerID: 5


29.12.2023 15:46 Text Build 46 #24240

Nach nicht nur gefühlten Ewigkeiten gibt es mal wieder eine neue Version. Wir sind inzwischen schon bei Build 46 angekommen cool
Build 44 und Build 45, welches eigentlich nur Bugfix Releases waren, haben wir hier nur als Ankündigung bzw. gar nicht gehabt. Die Änderungen stehen daher unten mit dabei. In Build 46 geht es hauptsächlich nochmal um die Bots, welche weiterentwickelt wurden und nun einfach über das Adminmenü (wie ganz normale Spieler) verwaltet werden können. Dazu gibt es noch einige Bot-Einstellungen und als Überraschung einen ganz neuen Spielmodus. Item Hunt thumbsup

build 46 (2023-12-08 ):
- Media: Added bot options to menu to make it easier for players to create servers with bots.
- Bugfix: Executable is now "DPI aware" in windows, so it doesn't get scaled weird and go off-center if you have your scaling set to something other than 100% (ex: 4k monitor).
- Cvar: Maximized status of the window is now remembered (stored in "vid_maximized" cvar).
- Tweak: Disabled launching the tutorial every time you play the game until it's completed (can still launch it from the menu).
- Bots: Cvar: "bot_use_player_input" - if set, bots will mimic player input from a spawn point, resulting in realistic human round-start behavior.

build 45 (2021-11-07):
- Media: New 68 carbine sound (was supposed to be in build 39, but somehow got missed).
- Media: New high-res rock5_2 texture.
- Media: High-res pbsky1 (thanks, CombineS!)
- Bugfix: Fixed crash that happened when opening the server list while the tutorial was open. (Thanks, richarD)
- Bots: Improved behavior around ladders, so they actually climb instead of spinning in circles around them.

build 44 (2020-09-18 ):
- Cvar: "mapname" now set on the client when connected to a server.
- Tweak: Increased memory allocation for maps so larger levels can be loaded. 3:19 AM 2/19/2020
- Tweak: Tweaked scoreboard sorting a little (grabs aren't worth as much now). Now it's sorted by caps * 8 + grabs * 2 + kills. You can use cl_scoreboard_sorting 4 for the previous behavior (grabs * 4). 11:45 AM 3/1/2020
- Tweak: Made missing texture grid texture less harsh.
- Tweak: Made snd_mixahead 0.08 instead of 0.2 by default. This should reduce latency in sound effects and be stable as long as > 20fps in maintained.
- Media: Fixed names of maps overlapping edge of loading screen. 2:36 AM 3/14/2020
- Media: Several new or tweaked HR4 textures.
- Media: Jail bars now have alpha transparency channel (can be used by mappers with trans33+trans66 surface setting). 5:38 AM 9/18/2020
- Bugfix: If you spun in circles enough, you could mess up your aim and crash the game. Angle now wraps at 360 degrees to prevent large, problematic values. 3:15 AM 5/25/2020
- Bugfix: 320x240 resolution works again and doesn't go to 640x480. 6:43 PM 7/7/2020
- Bugfix: Fixed some faulty kicks due to a buffer being too large. 7:49 AM 9/17/2020
- Bugfix: Fixed external server browser not loading server list with new server. (Thanks, richarD)
- Bugfix: Disable caustic effects on doors and other dynamic objects underwater as this causes a crash when changing levels (notably after 5p_school.bsp).
- Bots: Now have latency, so the player positions they have to aim with are now 400ms behind the current position and they have to lead, so no instant reaction when you walk around a corner. They'll also commit to shooting for a period of time instead of popping off single shots.
- Bots: Wander less and go for objectives more. Also fixed some wandering behavior when they don't have waypoints so they run into walls less.

*** 1.935 build 193-204 ***
- "bot_min_players" cvar specifies how many "players" will be on the server. Will fill in AI players if there are not enough human players to reach the specified number. Only spawns bots if there are players on the server. 4:05 PM 12/1/2021
- "bot_min_bots" cvar specifies the minimum number of bots that will be on the server when players are present. 6:59 AM 4/27/2022
- "bots_vs_humans" cvar determines how many bots to spawn for each human in the server (ex 2 will spawn 2 bots per player).
- Made bots aware of game modes and go after or defend objectives appropriately.
- Added item hunt mode. Will attempt to work on existing maps by randomly spawning items at bot waypoints or other equipment spawns and allowing players to cap at base or the king of the hill zone.
- "itemhunt_elim" sets elim time in item hunt mode
- "itemhunt_model" sets the model to be shown.
- "itemhunt_itemname" sets the name displayed in messages when players pick up / capture the item.
- "itemhunt_numitems" sets the number of items that will be simultaneously active in the match.
- Hopefully fixed the occasional issue where you'd spawn facing the ground. 10:03 PM 1/14/2023
- "g_spawnprotect" sets the time, in seconds, that players are invulnerable after spawning. Default 0.5. 10:46 PM 1/14/2023
- "autojoin" cvar now updates the autojoin setting when set mid-game (before you had to use the autojoin command). 7:42 PM 6/17/2023

*** 1.934 build 192 ***
- Fixed grenades sometimes not spawning. Rewrote logic so paint grenade spawners actually work as designed (if count is set to 1, new grenades will spawn, otherwise grenades will spawn at the spawners instead of around the player spawners). Also fixed angle -1 not always working to stop the randomness. 8:42 AM 10/19/2020
- Fixed bots spinning in circles by ladders. 4:17 AM 11/8/2020
- "nokill" can be set in a map's worldspawn (in case you want the default pong behavior in a non-pong map). 6:02 AM 1/18/2021
- fixed elim_inc incorrectly increasing time when players connect or join observer.
- Fixed single point flags from not ending the round when flagcapendsround is set.
- "rotation scramble" command to randomize maplist order.
- Reduced "koth_hilltime" default time from 5 to 3.

*** 1.933 build 189 ***
- Fixed broken roll angles at the end screen of some maps. 4:12 AM 9/1/2019
- Made deathmatch have warmup like the other modes. 5:27 AM 9/23/2019
- Entities can be given these targetnames which will automatically trigger: warmup_start, game_start, round_start (round_start_ for siege), round_end, game_end, overtime
- "timelimit_empty" cvar specifies a time, in minutes, a map will stay loaded in warmup mode with nobody playing. This is to fix floating point issues (lag and framerate limit kicks) that happen if a map is loaded too long. 6:09 AM 11/19/2019
- Made "flagcapendsround" setting not end the round on "holdit" map (or other maps where flag cap = 0 points). 6:33 AM 11/19/2019
- Changed pong scoring message to "X team scored!" (Note: won't work properly if a map has more than 2 teams). 3:23 AM 1/17/2020
- fixed sv_votemapenabled 2 not actually stopping players from voting maps into rotation temporarily 7:08 AM 2/3/2020
- Normalized the map votes each map change, so maps that don't meet the proper player count don't accumulate massive numbers of auto-votes, forcing them to be played even when nobody voted for them. 7:11 AM 2/3/2020
- Changed default overtime from 2 minutes to 1 minute. 3:02 AM 2/16/2020
- Reduced bots walking into walls if they can't pathfind. 3:33 AM 2/17/2020
- Added a built-in delay to enemy player positions for bots so it's impossible for them to have instant reaction time. They have to lead and predict like real online players. 7:23 AM 2/17/2020
- Bots go for objectives more, especially if they have a flag. 8:20 AM 2/18/2020
- added "trigger_teleport" entity. Same as misc_teleporter, except you can use a brush to cover a larger area. 3:49 AM 2/19/2020
- elim_inc cvar. Increases the respawn time for a team every time a player on that team is eliminated. 7:28 AM 3/11/2020
- Possible fix for paint grenate not killing players on direct hit. 6:43 AM 5/25/2020
- Possible fix for paint grenade priming and detonating in hands after throwing another grenade. 9:53 AM 7/10/2020
- Relaxed startsolid spawn checks for equipment and tried to better spawn things taking inverted gravity into account. 8/29/2020
- Fix for live players spawning in jails on maps that used -1 for the teamnumber, such as extreme.bsp and alaska.bsp. 3:23 AM 9/1/2020


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